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Boosting Retention and Growth: Rocket Clicks Strategic EOS Journey with Tyler Dolph

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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Ask any agency leader and they’ll tell you—rapid growth doesn’t happen by accident. It takes strategy, systems, and support to scale up smoothly.

So when Tyler Dolph took over a fledgling 10-person agency called Rocket Clicks, he knew he needed a blueprint. The agency had stagnated. And the founder was ready to shut down without swift progress.

With a baby on the way, Tyler was determined to spur Rocket’s growth. But transform a tiny agency into a 50+ person firm? He couldn’t do it alone.

The solution? An operating system tailored for agencies.


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In this episode, we'll cover:

  • How implementing EOS helped the agency establish clear roles, vision, and processes to enable growth
  • Why focusing obsessively on client retention, not just sales, fueled sustainable growth
  • The importance of Investing intentionally in culture like immersive onboarding and events strengthened their distributed team
  • Strategies to analyzing top clients revealed their ideal target market to focus growth efforts
  • Why AI offers opportunities to double down on human-centered strategies and relationships vs trying to compete



Side-by-Side With Success: Seeing EOS In Action

Tyler learned about the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) from his business partner Jeff. Jeff already used EOS to run his thriving law firm.

Meanwhile, Tyler’s new agency was struggling to gain traction.

Jeff’s success convinced Tyler to give EOS a closer look. Could it be the key to unlocking Rocket Clicks’ growth?

There was only one way to find out.

How Implementing EOS Changed Everything

At first, Tyler and his team were skeptical about EOS. Like many owners, they thought they could self-implement.

“Our leadership team at the time was like, ‘Oh, we got this, we'll do these L10 things and we'll create these rocks.’ And it just didn't take hold for a number of reasons.”

But their DIY approach to EOS just didn’t stick.

That’s when Tyler brought in an EOS expert to properly guide implementation. Everything changed.

Expert EOS Implementer John Lafontsee stepped in to coach Rocket’s leaders. Tyler credits him with totally transforming the agency.

He changed our whole world. He changed our life here at Rocket Clicks.

Run EOS® in ClickUp

Get the full EOS® ClickUp template to start running EOS® in ClickUp today. Track your rocks, run L10 meetings™, and IDS™ directly in ClickUp.

Run EOS® in ClickUp

A Blueprint for Growth: EOS Delivers the Systems to Scale

With John’s help, Rocket Clicks established:

  • Clear roles and responsibilities
  • A vision for future growth
  • Core business processes

The skills John taught are still central to Rocket’s operations years later. And a key driver behind their growth.

So how did EOS specifically fuel their expansion?

From Near Shutdown to 50+ Employees

Tyler points to EOS guiding a mindset shift around client retention. The agency became laser-focused on keeping clients—not just landing them.

The proof is in the numbers:

  • 2.5+ years average client tenure
  • 90%+ retention rate
  • 0 churn in 2021

This repeat business stabilized cash flow. Allowing Rocket Clicks to hire more strategists. And spend more time on client relationships vs prospecting.

Take Your Agency to the Next Level

Like Rocket Clicks, your agency may be just one system away from scaling successfully.

If you face challenges with growth, Book a call with us to learn more how to put an end to chaotic project management so that you can stop switching tools, frustrating your team, and wasting thousands of dollars in lost productivity every month.

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