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ClickUp Implementation

The Fastest & Easiest Path to Implementing ClickUp

We'll build you a ClickUp Workspace uniquely architected to your needs, setting you up with an easy-to-use system that skyrockets daily productivity while providing leadership with key data to make business decisions.

ClickUp Implementation Path

Streamline Your Operations in ClickUp

In this second phase, our goal is to bring your Blueprint to life inside ClickUp, setting a strong foundation for the rest of the implementation. We aim to configure your ClickUp workspace with as little effort required from you as possible, allowing you to hit the ground running and eliminate any trial and error.


Step 1: Systems Setup

We begin with a short intake process and then get your ClickUp Workspace up and running with as little effort from your team as possible. You'll receive:

Fully configured ClickUp workspace

We'll bring your Blueprint to life and equip you with a ready-to-use, fully configured Workspace populated by ZenPilot, saving you hundreds of people hours and months of work.

Your ZenPilot configured Workspace will include spaces, folders, lists, views, custom fields, automations, and a few dashboards to help get you up and running quickly.

ClickUp dashboards for reporting

We'll build you a few out-of-the-box ClickUp dashboards for time reporting, individual task management, client management, and managing your workspace. 

Custom views for every user

Views are the most exciting but also the most daunting features in ClickUp. That's why we'll build custom views for every role on your team—making it much easier for them to navigate the workspace and do their jobs.

Mission control space setup

We'll also build you a central mission control space to track client-related and internal records, providing you with a foundation for reporting and helping your team begin tracking time and client health right out of the gate.

Configured client folders and contract records

If requested, we will also set up a dedicated folder for each of your clients, ensuring all client information and work is organized and easily accessible from day one.

And, to enable seamless time tracking, we'll configure (if requested) your contract records inside ClickUp. This allows your team to track time against specific contracts, maintain client health scores, and keep all contract-related information up-to-date in one place.


By the end of this phase, you'll have an expertly designed ClickUp Workspace—saving you hundreds of hours on trial and error in setting up your workspace—ready for your team to begin working in.

ClickUp Configuration

Step 2: Training and Launch

After your ClickUp Workspace is configured and ready to go, your dedicated ZenPilot coach will begin training your team—getting them comfortable, certified, and launched in ClickUp.

A fully trained implementation team

Your implementation team will have a dedicated ZenPilot coach to teach and train them on ClickUp, best practices in the new system, and how to build healthy habits.

A fully certified team

Your entire team will go through our ClickUp Certification course, ensuring everyone has a solid grasp of ClickUp's core features, navigation, and expectations for usage.

A single source of truth for client data

Your account management team will begin tracking client-related data—health, progress, objectives, billing status, etc.—to build a single source of truth, promote proactive client engagement, and eliminate client confusion.


By the end of this phase, you'll have a fully trained team, a source of truth for all client data, and a fully configured ClickUp Workspace ready for your teams tasks and processes.

Throughout this process, our focus is on getting your team into ClickUp and comfortable with its hierarchy, task management, and time tracking. We want you learning by doing from week 1.

Step 3: Systemize

With your ClickUp workspace configured and your team trained on the fundamentals, you'll be ready to dive into the next phase—Systemize. 

In this next phase, we'll start building out your custom processes and workflows in ClickUp to help you build a more productive, profitable, and healthy team.

Project Management Implementation

What Success Have ZenPilot Clients Seen?

When companies buy into our proven process—not just with money, but with time, effort, and belief—success is sure to follow.


Team Capacity Improvement


Avg Gross Margin Growth


Avg Client LTV Increase

Gravity Global Story

ZenPilot has got us all rowing in the same direction and it’s very clear that our operations are much smoother now and we’re able to get through things much quicker.

They have alleviated a lot of confusion and stress for the team, improved our communication and collaboration, and ensured people have fewer questions and do the job faster.

Now, we have the right systems in place to scale our agency and become more profitable. And that’s thanks to ZenPilot.

Allison Gibbs
Gravity Global

ZenPilot Testimonials




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Our team is more efficient, productive, and healthier. I was always wary of how much of our work could be put into processes, but this has completely changed my mind. If you want to take your agency to the next level, ZenPilot is a must!

Kyle Harms, Digital Hot Sauce
Kyle Harms

Digital Hot Sauce

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They provided the tools, processes, and in-depth knowledge to allow us to successfully migrate our entire business to ClickUp in just a few weeks. We would recommend ZenPilot to anyone considering a move to ClickUp.
Andrew Cole, Fat Earth
Andrew Cole

Fat Earth Media

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They saved us a lot of time and trouble, and we've had many amazed comments from clients and colleagues about how organized our process is now.

arianne foulks-headshot
Arianne Foulks


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Since following ZenPilot's strategy and best practices, our team is saving hours per team member every week. Communication has improved across the team and we're able to give our clients better visibility in their campaigns. Margins have increased because of the efficiency as well.
Chris Dubois

Lean Labs

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Leadership now has a clear view of bandwidth and capacity, the staff understands exactly what is expected of them when they sit down every morning, and our clients have improved visibility into their deliverables.
Kevin D'Arcy, ThinkFuel
Kevin D'Arcy


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We are more efficient than ever and have streamlined our communication so it's organized and on task, vs having a huge Slack channel or Slack mess.
Josh Crouch, Relentless Digital
Josh Crouch

Relentless Digital

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ZenPilot has been the most impactful agency operations investment we’ve ever made. They understood our situation, know ClickUp inside out, and led our team to a successful implementation. If you’re serious about scaling your agency, you need to talk to ZenPilot - they transformed how we work and led a 300% improvement in efficiency.
Michael Lisovetsky

Co-founder JUICE

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ZenPilot came in with a framework, implementation, and training resources to move our agency through a lot of change in the way our 30 member team does things....change management that is super hard like task and time tracking! They really know ClickUp, and we do some crazy complicated things in there. If you need help scaling and measuring operational performance in your agency, ZenPilot is a great partner to get it done.
Ben Labay
Ben Labay

CEO, Speero

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Our agency has tried many project management tools over the years, but when we migrated to ClickUp we finally felt like we got it right. But hiring ZenPilot to help us implement it was an even better decision -- easily the best investment we made in our agency's growth. In the year since implementing ClickUp, our business has doubled, and our project management systems and structure have been able to adapt and scale with us

Whitney Parker Mitchell

CEO & Founder, Beacon Digital Marketing

Ready to Build a More Productive, Profitable, & Healthy Team?


We've helped thousands of agencies tame the chaos of #agencylife. If you're ready for 360 clarity into your operations, book a call with us and let's get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Hiring ZenPilot is the best thing I've done since my time at LegalZoom.

We function so much more smoothly now. We can accommodate more projects, and our general volume of work has increased significantly. It's been an absolute game-changer.

If you're on the fence about this decision and your team needs some organizational support, do it. You won't regret it.

Melanie Brook LegalZoom
Melanie Brook

Principal, Creative Operations

How long does the process take?

That depends entirely on your stated goals, but most teams will undergo a complete transformation using our 1-3-5 Formula in 5-6 months and will have recouped their investment in profit margin by 12 months.

To provide a more thorough breakdown, you can expect the timeline to look something similar to this:

Our goal is to provide you with continuous support, ensuring that your operations remain lean, efficient, and ahead of the curve. So while a complete operational transformation can be achieved within three months, many of our most successful clients choose to extend our partnership beyond two years. Operational excellence is an ongoing endeavor, and ZenPilot is committed to guiding your agency's growth and evolution every step of the way.
What does the time investment look like when working with ZenPilot?

This all depends on the stage that your team is in.

If you're in the Blueprint phase, you should expect your implementation team to be spending 1-2 hours weekly. This time will mostly be allocated to calls with our team, but also a few assignments that we will have for your team in between calls.

If you're beyond the Blueprint phase, you should expect your implementation team to be spending 2-4 hours per week on the project. This work is grouped into a few buckets:

  • 1 hour weekly attending calls with ZenPilot
  • 30-45 minutes weekly consuming asynchronous course materials
  • 60-120 minutes weekly completing tasks related to building templates, migrating, and optimizing the workspace (depending on where in the timeline the team is)

We'd recommend batching "ZenPilot work." Our most successful clients spend one whole morning or afternoon each week dedicated to just working with ZenPilot—building processes, completing coursework, optimizing their workspace, etc.

Who is ZenPilot's ideal client?

We partner with agencies, internal marketing teams, and professional service firms that desire to improve visibility, reduce internal chaos, and get more clarity.

However, truly achieving gold-standard operations and clarity for all requires time, effort, and the willingness to buy-in, embrace, and love the process. The teams that are successful are the ones that:

  • Desire to reduce internal chaos and give team members more clarity.
  • Desire to be excellent at managing projects to deliver great client results on time and within budget.
  • Desire to improve visibility into team performance, capacity planning, and results.
  • Desire to be more systematic, process-driven, and organized.
  • And have a willingness to pay for expertise and listen to experience. They "want what works."

If you have the desire and motivation to spend the necessary time to eliminate chaos, you're a perfect fit for ZenPilot.

Do you only work with agencies?

Not exactly! We also work with in-house marketing teams (who often see themselves as an "internal agency")—one example is the marketing crew at LegalZoom.

And we work with businesses who do client work that may not necessarily see themselves as agencies, such as accounting firms.

While it's true that our expertise runs deepest in the agency space (and we have a library of 200+ plug-and-play process templates for that specific context), we have lots of advice and specific frameworks to share for any business that wants to put an end to chaotic project management and stop hopping from one PM tool to the next.

Book a free consultation with us and let's find out if we're a fit for you!

How much does it cost to work with ZenPilot?

ZenPilot employs a monthly subscription model broken into three tiers: Economy ($4,000/month), Business ($6,000/month), and First Class ($9,000/month).

Each of these subscription tiers is fully points-based and is crafted to offer unparalleled flexibility and to ensure our services align perfectly with your agency's shifting needs over time.

However, teams working with ZenPilot typically invest at least $16,000.

For a detailed overview of our pricing structure and to better understand the comprehensive benefits of partnering with ZenPilot, check out our pricing page.

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Hiring ZenPilot is the best thing I've done since my time at LegalZoom.

We function so much more smoothly now. We can accommodate more projects, and our general volume of work has increased significantly. It's been an absolute game-changer.

If you're on the fence about this decision and your team needs some organizational support, do it. You won't regret it.

Melanie Brook LegalZoom
Melanie Brook

Principal, Creative Operations

Turn productivity into profit. We're your agency operations co-pilot.

Our clients benefit from our comprehensive library of pre-built ClickUp templates, agency-specific training and certification programs, and automation engine to help double their productivity.