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How to Integrate Acuity Scheduling with HubSpot + Free Template

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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When I first started using Acuity Scheduling, I didn’t even think about integrating Acuity with HubSpot so that users could schedule events on my calendar directly from my website. Instead, I just set up a couple quick appointment types inside Acuity and away I went!

Before you worry about integrating Acuity Scheduling with HubSpot, there are three steps I’d recommend:

  1. Sign up for Acuity Scheduling. If you’re not sure why I recommend Acuity over other tools like Calendly or ScheduleOnce, check out this video review.
  2. Set up Acuity specifically for your agency (in-depth tutorial).
  3. Customize the front-end appearance of Acuity (tutorial + pre-built stylesheet).

Once you’ve completed those three steps, if your website is running on the HubSpot COS, check out this video on integrating Acuity Scheduling appointment scheduling into your HubSpot pages:

How to Integrate Acuity Scheduling and HubSpot

Quick note: once I customized the scheduling page and integrated it into our website, the compliments and conversions increased right away. I can’t tell you how many folks have asked about this scheduling process (which is why I’m putting together all of these tutorials!) and expressed how sleek and simple it was.

1. Watch the video to understand how exactly this integration works. Basically, Acuity doesn’t have a pre-built HubSpot integration, so what we’re doing is creating a HubSpot page template that allows you to create a site page (don’t create a landing page – that will throw off your conversion numbers) to house (in a white-labeled environment) your appointment scheduling page.

2. Download the HTML template file – once you have this, all you’ll have to do is plug one URL from your Acuity Scheduling appointments section into this template and you’ll be ready to roll! 

Download instructions:

  1. Scroll down to the form below that gives you access to all of the Season 1 episodes of Agency Toolbox.
  2. Once you complete that form, just click the link to trigger an email to me and I’ll respond with the access URL and password. Then you just head to that page, enter the password, scroll to episode #5, and download the template!
  3. Not only will you have access to the Acuity-HubSpot integration template, you’ll also have access to all the resources and episodes from Season 1 of Agency Toolbox, on demand.

Scroll down and fill out the form to get access to the bonus template. As always, leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions.

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