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Combining the Power of EOS and Agile at Your Agency with Jared Harris

Andrew Dymski
Andrew Dymski I'm a Founder at ZenPilot where I help marketing agencies buy back time by developing the processes and systems they need to scale without reinventing the wheel for every client. I'm co-host of the Agency Journey podcast where each week we interview an agency owner, consultant, or author.

In this episode, we’re excited to welcome Jared Harris from New Perspective. In our conversation, Jared shares how New Perspective made the evolution to Agile for managing their client projects

One big piece of insight that stuck out to me after chatting with Jared was the importance of a retrospective. This is a time each week where you meet as a team to discuss the past week. Since they had already implemented the EOS, the team easily transitioned from a highly structured level-10 meeting to a more free-flowing retrospective.

By prioritizing this meeting each week, you and your team can focus on improving your delivery machine. So many agencies get overwhelmed by all the requests flowing in each day. But they don’t take the time to step back and evaluate what could be improved. 

It is almost like they’re stuck in survival mode. They never get to a place where they can pull themselves out of the business long enough to analyze what is going on. 

Ever feel like that? I know we have! 

As Jared shares, it is important to have your agency structure and processes in place. But once they’re in place, it is important to keep coming back so things improve. 

He also added that placing someone in charge of the process helps make sure that everyone participates. 


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