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How To Find The Right Project Manager For Your Agency w/ Galen Low

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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Galen Low is the co-founder of The Digital Project Manager β€” an online collective that seeks to share information with one another through its rapidly growing community. With over a decade of project management experience.

Galen is passionate about helping project managers become the best team leaders they can be β€” and need to be.

Topics discussed in the episode:

  • Approaches to Agency Consulting: ZenPIlot vs TheDPM
  • The 6 Characteristics to Look For in a Senior Project Manager
  • Why You Should Hire Paranoid Project Managers
  • Common Misconceptions About Great Project Managers
  • Should Project Managers Follow The Leader or Be a Leader?
  • What Makes a Senior Project Manager Worth Their Salary?
  • When to Involve Project Managers in the Sales Process
  • How to Best Utilize Project Managers as an Agency Owner
  • Finding a Unicorn PM: Navigating Resumes and Interviews
  • How Moderate Paranoia Keeps Businesses Competitive

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