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How John McTigue from Kuno Creative Grew to HubSpot Diamond by Training Clients to Follow a Process

Andrew Dymski
Andrew Dymski I'm a Founder at ZenPilot where I help marketing agencies buy back time by developing the processes and systems they need to scale without reinventing the wheel for every client. I'm co-host of the Agency Journey podcast where each week we interview an agency owner, consultant, or author.


How does someone with a background in geophysics end up as an inbound ambassador for one of the world’s largest HubSpot VAR agencies? You will learn how in Episode 009 of Inbound Agency Journey! 

Episode Breakdown:

Kuno Creative recently became only the second inbound marketing agency to reach Diamond Tier in the HubSpot VAR program.

John McTigue from Kuno Creative is a great practitioner of inbound. I recently had the chance to attend a presentation John shared in Boston at HubSpot’s Partner Growth and Innovation Summit.  

In his presentation John shared how he crafted a laser-focused campaign toward SaaS CEOs. The campaign has delivered some amazing results for Kuno and they’ve now adapted it to serve their clients. 

To find success with inbound marketing, companies need to be focused. This means identifying the vertical you’d like to target and understanding the personas within that target. This is something that John and the team at Kuno do very well. 

Understanding a client’s persona is important. So important that if a company will not allow the Kuno team to directly chat with their customers, they don’t bring them on as a client. 




Training clients to follow a proven process is one of the keys to Kuno’s success. 

John shared so many great tips and processes in this episode. One great takeaway I took from the call was Kuno’s new client onboarding process. To educate a new client and get a team united around inbound in their organization, Kuno creates a Buyer Insight Report. Very cool stuff! 

If you’ve enjoyed this show, please reach out to John on Twitter and say thanks! 

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