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Want Happier Clients? Start Being More Enthusiastic!

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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Our client’s happiness has a lot more to do with us than we realize. 

They say it takes two to tango, but it still takes one person to lead. You can’t expect your clients to be enthusiastic if you aren’t the one setting the relationship on that foot first and foremost. 

Let’s dive in depth here and go over five reasons why you need to bring enthusiasm to your client relationships. 

1.) You Initiate the Relationship’s Emotional Levels

Ask yourself, what kind of experience do you want to have with your clients? 

Do you want flat and boring relationships without any enjoyable victories? I honestly don’t know any agency that does. 

We all dream of running successful client relationships that are productive, fun, and fruitful for both sides. But the truth is that this won’t happen on its own. It’s your job as your client’s agency partner to set the pace and to kick things off with enthusiasm and positivity. 


2.) You Give Context to Everything That Happens

Context is a vital component in every stage of a client relationship. If you ever hope to run successful relationships, you have to learn to master context. 

Context in Results Reporting 

You could be delivering amazing results, but if you’re not reporting in a way that reflects that amazingness, your clients aren’t going to be receiving the results that way.

Andrew and I lament time and time again about one client relationship we ran where the results were staggering, but because of the way we were reporting, the client didn’t see it that way. The way a client perceives something is up to you and the way you approach it, so be sure to think through how you’re delivering it. 


And don’t forget to be enthusiastic about the little wins—those little wins turn into big wins! 

Energy in Brainstorming Sessions

Brainstorming sessions are often where clients lose excitement and momentum. Why?

Well, for starters, brainstorming sessions—especially at the onset of a relationship—can be draining. Anytime you start hammering people with questions and cause them to think deeply for an extended period of time, they’re going to get fatigued. 

As agencies, we’re not different. We also get fatigued, but it’s important for us to keep the energy alive through the span of a brainstorming session to keep the client’s moods up and to get the best possible information. 


Think creatively about how you can do this as well and consult some classics to help keep the jive alive:

  • For a long brainstorming meeting, don’t forget the coffee and refreshments.
  • Encourage your clients to participate and take action—having them actively contribute to the session will keep them engaged.
  • Take breaks! Build in breaks for people to get some fresh air and to stretch their legs. 

3.) You Want Your Clients to Feel Like They Matter

You want your clients to feel like you’re invested in their success and that you enjoy working with them. Again, you can’t rely on them to just “pick this up.” It takes active effort to deliver an experience that reflects this. 


Make the effort to demonstrate this at every step of the way, especially as you begin attracting your ideal clients. 

Get to a Place Where You Can Work with Your Ideal Clients

The goal of every agency should be to graduate from a place where you have to work with anyone who walks through the door. It’s a part of the journey because we have to keep the lights on, but it shouldn’t be the extent of the journey. 

This is why it’s vital to be investing in your own agency. We are masters of generating leads for our clients, but sometimes we neglect ourselves in the process. 

When you do, you can target the clients you work best with and the ones you want to work with the most. 

Once You Get There, Don’t Forget to Show Them 

You may be in a place where every new client you take on is ideal—like a soul mate, they match your list of qualifications. 

Don’t forget to show them appreciation and to express how valuable they are to you. For your ideal clients, this is especially important and is the key to maintaining mutually beneficial relationships. The clients that feel like they matter are the ones that are going to continue working with you. 

The moment a client feels like they don’t matter, and are just another “client on the roster” is the moment they’ll begin to wonder what it’s like to work with another agency. 

Use Appreciation to Differentiate Your Agency

The way you demonstrate appreciation can honestly be a point that differentiates your agency. 

4.) Clients Want to Be Excited to Chat with You

There’s no avoiding it—client relationships require a significant amount of interaction. The last thing you want is for your client to be dreading the thought of communicating with you. 

By leading with a positive and enthusiastic attitude, you’re going to demonstrate to your clients that you’re someone who’s enjoyable to chat with, regardless of the conversation. 

Being Enjoyable Helps the Tough Conversation

By building an enjoyable rapport with your clients makes those tough conversations easier to have. 

If clients are already at the beginning of the day dreading to see your name pop up in their inboxes then it’s going to be a challenge to walk out of a tough conversation without any bruises. 

When clients enjoy chatting with you, the table is set to better and more respectively walk through a tough conversation. If they know that you value their success then they’ll know that regardless what you’re saying is for their ultimate benefit. 

5.) You’ll Make Yourself Approachable and Referable

Your goal should be to be someone approachable. 

It Will Create an Atmosphere of Honesty

Clients who feel comfortable talking with you are more likely to share their deepest, darkest concerns. These are the same concerns that if let go for long enough will destroy the relationship. 

It’s Not Just Being Perky on the Phone

It takes more than a little enthusiasm to be approachable. Come to every meeting and every interaction with a solid process and a knowledgeable approach. Soak up every bit of knowledge your clients send your way and do additional research to compliment that information. 

Enthusiasm Makes You Referable

Everyone wants referrals, but if you’re not approach the relationship with enthusiasm, I’d be willing to bet you won’t be seeing any come through. 

After all, anytime a client opens up the doors to their network, you are a direct reflection of them. They need to feel confident about how you’re going to communicate with their valued contacts. 

Stop Shooting Yourself in the Foot—Be Enthusiastic!

Without enthusiasm baked into your client relations approach, you’re really shooting yourself in the foot. So, take action today and begin weaving enthusiasm into your relationships. I promise you’ll see an impact on the way they progress. 

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