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How to Use Quizzes to Generate More Leads

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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In this episode of Inbound Agency Journey, Andrew interviews Josh Haynman from Try Interact about how agencies can use quizzes to generate more leads for their clients and themselves.

Josh Haynman is the co-founder of Try Interact; a quiz software platform businesses use to generate leads.

While running his digital agency, Josh noticed his clients were mostly concerned about growing their email lists.

No matter the project, collecting more emails was a pain point for the business. Realizing he needed to find creative ways to collect emails outside of contact forms, his agency began exploring the use of quizzes

Josh realized the need for quiz software for businesses and began to create Try Interact. Since then, they’ve generated over 4 million leads from quizzes!

Here are the main takeaways from this interview:

Make Lead Generation Your Focus

Sometimes as marketers we can get distracted by what we think is important. But for clients, the most important thing for them is whether it drives leads NOT if it’s creative!

By focusing on generating leads as one of the most important marketing metrics, you’re sure to have happier clients.

Creativity is useless if it doesn’t drive results!

Business goals drive everything else.

Don’t design for the sake of how it looks, but if it’ll increase business. Applying creativity to business problems will help you find incredible success with your clients.

Focusing on the key metrics for clients and build off that.

How to Start Building Quizzes

Josh does a great job explaining how businesses of any size can benefit and get started with quizzes. Rather than getting stuck trying to figure where to start creating your own quiz, reverse engineer what’s already out there.

You can see what competition is doing or just buy some sample quizzes and adapt them.

It’s important to get something up and to run to test and build on. Start reaping the benefits right away and adapt what already exists. You may be surprised at what is or isn’t working.

You can usually find the most popular quizzes based on an industry and then customize it. Build on another’s work but make it your own.

These tips are especially useful when you’re working with a client in a boring industry.

Rather than beating your head against a wall, swipe, customize, and deploy.

Use Quiz Data to Create Email Segments

Quizzes can help you collect valuable information about a prospect or client. With this information, you can create automated sequences that talk to the prospects in a hyper-personalized way.

Make sure you have your quiz hooked up to an email service and have its segment based on answers. Personalized emails have a much higher conversion rate than standard ones.

Using quizzes with personalized email sequences will help you generate more leads and convert them at much higher rates!

If you’re interested in learning more about quizzes for your, reach Josh Laynman on Twitter. You can get started with Try Interact by visiting their site

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