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How Agencies Should Deal with Top of the Funnel Leads

Gray MacKenzie
Gray MacKenzie is a true operations nerd who has spent the past decade helping hundreds of agencies build more productive, profitable, and healthy teams by solving the core issues plaguing their project management.

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Companies want to know their options when looking for an inbound agency.

They “just want information” as they begin their journey. So how do we as agencies deal with that?

In this episode of Inbound Sales Journey we break down how to approach the “TOFU” (Top of the funnel) prospects. 

How to Treat Top of the Funnel Prospects

A top of the funnel prospect is never a sales persons dream. We want the active and engaged prospects who are looking for a solution now. 

It is important to keep in mind that everyone starts the buying process at the top of the funnel. That doesn’t make them a bad prospect, just an early one.

Although early prospects don’t move fast, they are still a great opportunity. 


Be respectful of where they are at in the process and don’t try to push them too fast. No one likes a pushy salesperson. Use the inbound approach.

Provide them with helpful resources and allow them to  self educate and realize that they need an agency’s help.

Always Have a Next Step in Your Sales Funnel

Sending top of the funnel prospects information is fine. Just be sure to have a next step to go along with it.

For example if you send them an eBook regarding a topic they were asking for help with be sure to follow up. Let them know that you will either email or call them three days later to go over that with them. 

Provide yourself as a resource to them and let them know you will be reaching out. This will open the door to a relationship. 


Feel free to say something like, “I’d like to call you in three days after you’ve had a chance to look at what I sent over. Unless you email me and tell me that it’s not a fit for you right now, is it okay to get in touch and review what you’re thinking?”

It doesn’t have to be an aggressive approach, keep it light hearted and be available to help.

Go with Your Gut on Prospect Quality

Sometimes you just need to trust your gut. If someone approaches us at GuavaBox and just wants pricing to compare us with other agencies I won’t give that out. 

It doesn’t fit with our process and our success rate in the past with those type of people is very low. Our agency isn’t around to be the cheapest so price is not typically a battle we win. 

If the prospect feels like they aren’t worth your time, don’t stress about it. Trust your gut if you get that feeling. Just don’t be afraid to engage with someone who is just starting their journey.

Buckle up for a longer sales process but a profitable one in the end.

How to Connect with Ryan and Gray




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