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Better workflows, bigger profits.

We’ve helped thousands of agencies streamline their operations and build healthier, more efficient teams.

Productive, profitable processes.
Our clients have seen...


Avg. Capacity Improvement


Avg. Gross Margin Growth


Avg. Client LTV Increase

Trusted by 2,700+ Agencies
Gravity Global
Trinity Insights
Fat Earth Media
Lean Labs
Seaworthy Strategy
Beacon Digital

Their secret?
The 1-3-5 Agency Formula

The 1-3-5 Formula systematically evaluates your processes, helps create a plan to reduce inefficiencies, and works with your team to implement an effective solution.


Formula Tablet
one goal-clarity

One Goal

Lack of clarity is the source of all inefficiency. It makes hand-offs confusing, frustrates team members, and delays project delivery. Clarity is the bedrock of successful, efficient teams.

Three Keys

Use the Right Tools

We will help you select the most powerful tool for increasing productivity in your organization. We will also help you set it up and use it properly, so you can deliver projects faster with fewer mistakes along the way.

Build the Right Habits

You will succeed or fail by the habits that you and your team have built. We'll help you establish the habits that drive a healthy, happy, and efficient organization.

Execute the Right Processes

Executing established processes will decrease the mental load on your team, improve hand-offs, and help keep projects on track. We'll help you build the processes you need to create clarity for your agency.

Five Steps-2

Five Steps


Design a system that will help your organization establish your unique goals.


Take your 1-3-5 Formula and build out the processes using ClickUp or Teamwork.


Train your team on the habits and processes that will make your agency successful.


Launch the new system and monitor its use and effectiveness.


Observe what works and what doesn't and make changes accordingly.

Since becoming our first partner in 2018, ZenPilot has stood out as the go-to solution for agencies who want to get the most out of ClickUp.

Their commitment to truly solving for the customer and providing the best customer experience is perfectly aligned with our mission at ClickUp - and it shows up in their results and the feedback we consistently hear about ZenPilot.

Zeb Evans
ClickUp Founder & CEO

Zeb Evans (2)

The shared North Star we have for serving agencies, helping them become more productive & profitable, makes ZenPilot an incredibly valuable Teamwork Solution Partner.

They’ve developed a deep understanding of the agency business model from the 1,000's of agencies they’ve consulted over the years.

That experience translates directly into expertise that helps our customers get going faster & more efficiently with Teamwork.

Peter Coppinger Founder & CEO

How We Help

Here's what’s next...

Man with laptop

Book a Call with an Efficiency Expert and Build Your Blueprint

We analyze what you're doing now and find the highest-impact opportunities for growth based on your specific goals and situation, then make a plan to address them.

We'll Guide You Through the Implementation Process

We help you build the tools and processes you need, then train you and your team on how to effectively use them and coach the habits that will streamline your operations.

Implementation Process

Continue Optimizing with Post-Implementation Support

After implementing the new system, we'll provide continued support to improve your workflows, maintain optimal work habits and tool configurations, and monitor key metrics to further dial in your system.

Need some help?

We've guided thousands of agencies to successfully increase their productivity and profits. Book a call to see how we can help you navigate the 1-3-5 Formula.

Agency Success Spotlight


The real game changer of working with ZenPilot was the visibility it gave us into our whole business. I can now feel peace knowing where projects are at, see blocks coming ahead of time so we can proactively communicate with clients, and plan out work accordingly with my team.

There is no way I could’ve built out all the top-tier processes we did in such a short amount of time without ZenPilot—or train my team on healthy project management habits.

ZenPilot is hands down one of the best investments we’ve made as a business. They help us live up to our value of excellence. If you have any doubts, leave them at the door and jump in!

Rebecca Nash
Beam Content

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Since following ZenPilot's strategy and best practices, our team is saving hours per team member every week. Communication has improved across the team and we're able to give our clients better visibility in their campaigns. Margins have increased because of the efficiency as well.
Chris Dubois

Lean Labs

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[We] are starting to see deep insights from the work that we do. Where we are committing more time than contracted on certain functions, where we have burgeoning resource constraints, and a host of other valuable insights. Most importantly this has been helpful to the sales process in creating more clarity around pricing and packaging.
Ann Marie Wills

Leverage Lab

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Hiring ZenPilot to help us implement ClickUp was easily the best investment we made in our agency’s growth. In the year since implementing ClickUp, our business has doubled, and our project management systems and structure have been able to adapt and scale with us, and ZenPilot continues to offer valuable guidance to keep us on the right track. You can’t ask for a better partner than Andrew and Gray!

Whitney Parker Mitchell

Beacon Digital Marketing

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We have more buy-in from our employees on the usage of ClickUp (and benefits!). From our Production Department specifically, we spend less time tasking out projects with the new templates we made and can quickly roll out each month/instance need.
Molly Whelan


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We were able to develop a rock solid preliminary offering that allowed us to train sales reps on how to sell and then ultimately made it easy to convert clients onto retainers with us.

This had a ripple effect on our business in that it ultimately allowed us as owners to step away from the sales process and let it run while we focused on growing the business.

Josh Elkin


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We are more efficient than ever and have streamlined our communication so it's organized and on task, vs having a huge Slack channel or Slack mess.
Josh Crouch

Relentless Digital

Frequently asked questions

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Thanks to ZenPilot, the company has increased their overall productivity by 400% and revenue acquisition by 25%.

The team strictly adheres to timelines and the budget, but internal stakeholders are particularly impressed with their knowledge and workforce methodology.

Shayla Pearson

Director of Rev Ops
Seaworthy Strategy

How much does it cost to work with ZenPilot?

For a detailed overview of our pricing structure and to better understand the comprehensive benefits of partnering with ZenPilot, check out our pricing page.

How long does the process take?

That depends entirely on your stated goals, but most teams will undergo a complete transformation using our 1-3-5 Formula in 5-6 months and will have recouped their investment in profit margin by 12 months.

Our goal is to provide you with continuous support, ensuring that your operations remain lean, efficient, and ahead of the curve. So while a complete operational transformation can be achieved within three months, many of our most successful clients choose to extend our partnership beyond two years. Operational excellence is an ongoing endeavor, and ZenPilot is committed to guiding your agency's growth and evolution every step of the way.

Do you only work with agencies?

Not exactly! We also work with in-house marketing teams (who often see themselves as an "internal agency")—one example is the marketing crew at LegalZoom.

And we work with businesses who do client work that may not necessarily see themselves as agencies, such as accounting firms.

While it's true that our expertise runs deepest in the agency space (and we have a library of 200+ plug-and-play process templates for that specific context), we have lots of advice and specific frameworks to share for any business that wants to put an end to chaotic project management and stop hopping from one PM tool to the next.

Book a free consultation with us and let's find out if we're a fit for you!

Who is ZenPilot's ideal client?

We partner with agencies, internal marketing teams, and professional service firms that desire to improve visibility, reduce internal chaos, and get more clarity.

However, truly achieving gold-standard operations and clarity for all requires time, effort, and the willingness to buy-in, embrace, and love the process. The teams that are successful are the ones that:

  • Desire to reduce internal chaos and give team members more clarity.
  • Desire to be excellent at managing projects to deliver great client results on time and within budget.
  • Desire to improve visibility into team performance, capacity planning, and results.
  • Desire to be more systematic, process-driven, and organized.
  • And have a willingness to pay for expertise and listen to experience. They "want what works."

If you have the desire and motivation to spend the necessary time to eliminate chaos, you're a perfect fit for ZenPilot.

Do we have to use ClickUp?

Technically, no. You can implement the ZenPilot System with whatever tool you currently use. In fact, we wrote a guide on how to choose the best project management tool for your organization. However, in our experience working with hundreds of agencies, ClickUp stands out as the most versatile and easy-to-use tools for agencies and professional service firms.

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Thanks to ZenPilot, the company has increased their overall productivity by 400% and revenue acquisition by 25%.

The team strictly adheres to timelines and the budget, but internal stakeholders are particularly impressed with their knowledge and workforce methodology.

Shayla Pearson

Director of Rev Ops
Seaworthy Strategy

Ready to get started?

We've guided thousands of agencies to successfully increase their productivity and profits. Book a call to see how we can help you navigate the 1-3-5 Formula.